Cigu District is a coastal region located at the southwestern side of Tainan City, and is located at the westernmost side of Taiwan Island. Cigu is the 4th largest district of Tainan City. It is also a famous fishing and salt production area and leads the entire City in terms of land used for aquacultural and salt production purposes. Cigu District is bordered by Jiali District and Sigang District to the east, Taiwan Strait to the west, Jiangjyun District to the north, and Annan District at the south across the Zengwen River. The following provides Cigu District's absolute location:
Eastmost Point: Located at the eastmost side of Zhuqiao Borough and next to Sigang District at 23 degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds north latitude, and 120 degrees 10 minutes and 41 seconds east longitude.
Westmost Point: Located at the westmost side of Shifen Borough, which would be the southwestern protrusion of Dingtoueshan with the Taiwan Strait to the West, at 23 degrees 6 minutes 00 seconds north latitude, and 120 degrees 1 minute and 36 seconds east longitude.
Southmost point: Located at the southmost side of Shifen Borough at the southern tip of Xinfulunshan, at 23 degrees 2 minutes 35 seconds north latitude, and 120 degrees 3 minute and 29 seconds east longitude.
Northmost Point: Located at the northmost side of Datan Borough bordering Jiangjyun District at 23 degrees 11 minutes 44 seconds north latitude, and 120 degrees 8 minutes and 24 seconds east longitude.
Center: Located within Yucheng Borough at 23 degrees 8 minutes 14 seconds north latitude, and 120 degrees 7 minutes and 50 seconds east longitude.
Cigu District is slightly narrower in the north (about 10 km wide) and wider in the south (about 15 km wide). The District measures about 12 km from north to south, forming a rough trapezoid shape with the top being narrower than the bottom. Cigu serves as a guardian at the westernmost tip of Taiwan Island. Major rivers include the Zengwen River and Cigu River. Being a coastal area, Cigu is home to many fisheries, tidal shores, deltas, and a diverse array of different ecologies.
Local flora: Mangroves (gray mangrove) thickets grow along the Cigu River and the Daliao drainage system. Common ironwoods (Casuarina equisetifolia) have also been planted along the coastal protection dikes, deltas, beach protection, and windbreaks to form a beauteous landscape.
Fauna: Cigu is a place where many migratory birds gather. Bird populations peak from every September or October to April or June of the following year. The bird species that can be observed include the endangered black-faced spoonbills, valuable species such as the oriental pratincole (Glareola maldivarum) and little tern (Sternula albifrons), and protected species such as the brown shrike (Lanius cristatus).
(Photographs: Provided by Cai Wen-zhi)